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About Us

The Sharks Swim Team is a community summer-only (May-July) team that competes against neighborhood swim teams in the Gwinnett County Swim League.  

We are located in South Gwinnett County and practice and host Home Meets at the Mountain Park Aquatic Center.

Swimmers are expected to be able to swim the freestyle stroke across the full 25 yards of the pool unassisted.  If swimmers are unable to swim the length of the pool unassisted, the coaches will recommend that they spend the year in lessons to prepare for next year.  The swim team is very popular and new swimmers will only be able to tryout on new swimmer tryout days.  All swimmers are expected to participate in team practice days and compete in swim meets.

Other than the coaches, the team is run 100% with volunteers.  Each family is responsible for volunteering to work four (5) half meet sessions.  We track volunteer effort using a point system and each family must complete a minimum of 125 points (half session = 25 points). Please note, 125 points is a minimum and it may be times that additional volunteer positions will need to be filled.  Volunteer jobs include  swimmer management (Bullpen; Staging), meet management (computer room, event tracking, lane timers, race officials), and customer service (concessions, facilities), etc.  You will be expected to meet the minimum volunteer requirements each year.  Any family who does not meet the minimum volunteer 125 points per season will pay a $170 fee for unfilled service hours.  The Sharks could not happen without all the parents helping as it takes many volunteers to run multiple Swim Meets (Home and Away), prepare social activities, order gear, throw an end of season party and more!  Any money raised by the Sharks ultimately goes back to our swimmers and parents by paying for coaching, pool facility, equipment, social activities, t-shirts, medals, trophies and all other team expenses.  

The Mountain Park Sharks enjoy this fast paced 2 month period each year, where families meet new friends and forge life-long friendships.  Our swimmers learn to be a part of a team, the negotiation of friendly competition and good sportsmanship.

MPST Mission Statement

To Provide a safe and respectful environment where children are taught the fundamentals of competitive swimming, swimmers are encouraged to discover that they control their level of effort toward a personal goal and that being on a team means commitment to others as well as themselves.

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