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Swimmers Policies

Be on Time:  It is important to arrive on time to your scheduled practice time.  Remember to arrive for your dry-land session prior to your in-pool session. Arrive dressed for dry-land (Gym shoes required) and bring your practice suit, cap and goggles.  Parents, please make sure that you are on site at the time your swimmer is released from their practice session.

Use of Facilities:  We are guests of the facility we use.  Please conduct yourselves as such before and after practice, in the hallways and locker rooms.  We are a respected group only as long as we respect others.

Dress:  Your success is dependent upon you staying healthy.  Take care to dry off well, to make sure that you are not dripping as you exit the facility.  Walking the facility dry will minimize falls.

Teammates:  MPST is your team; make it enjoyable for everyone on the team.  Offer encouragement to at least one other swimmer each day.  "Good Job" "Way to Go"

Problems:  If you have any questions or problems, talk to one of the coaches.  They are the best source of an answer or solution.

Things we should Do...

  1. While waiting to swim or during instructions, one hand must be on the wall and the head must be above water.
  2. Circle swim - swim on your right (as you face the opposite end)of the lane. This will minimize head on head collisions in the pool.
  3. Swim all the way to the wall.
  4. Make room for others to swim to the wall.
  5. When swimming laps and you need to pass another swimmer, tap (don't pull) their foot and then swim around them (down lane center) freestyle.
  6. If someone taps your foot, stay close to the lane line/wall and let him or her pass.
  7. Listen to instructions and raise your hand to ask a question if you do not understand.
  8. Respect your teammates and coaches.
  9. Have a positive attitude.
  10. Be on time to practice.
  11. Demonstrate good sportsmanship.
  12. Remember that we are guest of the Mountain Park Aquatic Center and that we should respect the facility and ALWAYS leave it as we have found it.

Things we should Not Do...No-No's

  1. Horseplay!
  2. Running.
  3. Diving without instructions and direct supervision of the coach.
  4. Pushing anyone into or under the water.
  5. Hanging or playing on the lane ropes.
  6. Kicking/splashing/spitting water/slapping kick-boards.

Disciplinary Action:

The Head Coach and Council Person should be notified about any problem or concern with swimmers, coaches and/or parents.

At the discretion of any member of the Coaching Staff, one or both of the following penalties may be applied:

  1. Removal of a swimmer from a practice and a parent/guardian notified.
  2. Scratching of a swimmer from a meet and a parent/guardian notified.

Phases of discipline:

1st Offense:     The swimmer will be given a verbal warning

2nd Offense:    The swimmer will be asked to get out of the pool and will be asked to sit out for 15 minutes and/or to do sit-ups or deep knee bends around the pool (age appropriate).

3rd Offense:     Council person and parents will be contacted by the Head Coach.

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